Into the wild current This raging river in the outskirts of Rulantica is a real force of nature. The Vildstrøm leads right into the wilderness of Rulantica. If you need a break from the strong rapids, please do: On the shore there are plenty of loungers for sun worshipers. Phew, time off! © Rulantica Characteristics […]
Slide around the corner From the ship’s plank, you’ll embark into the refreshing water. This shorter slide with its little bend is perfect for beginners. © Rulantica Characteristics Technical Data LOCATION Svalgurok SEASON available from May bis September USE without tire HEIGHT 1,6 m. LENGTH 14 m. OPENING 2022 PRODUCER ProSlide LOCATION Svalgurok SEASON available […]
Climbing and rolling in Trølldal This open slide is for the youngest of guests, who climb on the log in the middle of Trølldal, and find a safe, gentle way down with Kullerbuller. The chute winds once around the tree trunk and brings little heroes back safely into the cool water© Rulantica Characteristics Technical Data […]
Race on two slides A double dose of fun for the little ones: The ride leads through the throat of a mountain troll. From the highest point of Trølldal, the slides run directly parallel downhill – a few curves, then through the home straight. Who will the troll spit out first? © Rulantica Characteristics Technical […]
Sliding fun for the little ones To the land of trolls! The Trølldal, with its shallow, child-friendly pools, is a true paradise for the youngest visitors to Rulantica, and they will find plenty of joy with the trolls that look droll in the distance. No wonder that so many children surround them. Another attraction is […]
Sliding fun in the funnel Stormrok takes you from the highest point of the slide tower, straight into a huge funnel, at speed! After a couple of rounds around the funnel, you will glide through the opening towards the big finale. © Rulantica Characteristics Technical Data LOCATION Svalgurok SEASON available from May until September USE […]
A true drum roll Take a wild whirl around the middle of Vinterhal. The journey starts slow, but then becomes a rapid descent. The highlight of this slide is a circular drum in which you make at least one turbulent round before being swallowed by the next tube. Where does she spit out Stormvind again? […]
Freefall through Rangnakor, Part 2 Vildfål is the twin sister of Dugdrob. One specialthing about the slides: In the tubes sections, acrylic glass has been incorporated. This gives the adrenaline junkies a view of Rulantica every time, and provides orientation during the free fall into the depths. The landing will be soaking wet and fun!© […]
Vinter Rytt
Rapid ride in the halfpipe This slide brings the adrenaline: In comfortable 4-person tubes, things starts slowly – but then it is time to hold on: The ride on Vinter Rytt goes steeply downhill, then flushes adventurers directly into a halfpipe, up the steep wall. Fans of airtime will definitely get their money’s worth. Who […]
Skog Lagune
Perfect relaxation in the lagoon Under magnificent pine trees, sheltered by mighty rocks, the Skog Lagoon is nestled away. In the pleasant pool with its bubble beds, time simply stops. If you like, enjoy a refreshing drink at the Skogbar in the middle of the water and let everything slow down. © Rulantica Characteristics Technical […]